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The artist residency of Sara Perovic


POLA warmly congratulates our colleague Sara Perovic on winning a place at ‘Passage’, temporary artist residencies in the region of the Dübener Heide. She will be completing the program this month, you can read more about her photography practice below:

Sara Perovic’s photography is driven by her interests in perception of space, abstraction, repetitiveness and feeling of self. Her body of work focuses on textures (Palmeral, 2017), depicts the invisible (Bura, 2015), and shows nature’s fragility with ethereal photos (I was there, 2015). Her latest project (My fathers legs, 2020) is a mix of concept and emotion, stretching the boundries between conceptual art and art-as-therapy. In 2020 her book ‘My Father’s Legs’ was shortlisted for Les Recontres d’Arles Prix du Livre d’Auteur and Aperture/Paris Photo First Book Award. Among several solo and group shows, she founded and curated the fanzine ‘aTree’, promoting young photographers (available at MoMa Library New York). Sara Perovic currently works as a photographer and architect in Berlin.